Monday, 1 November 2010

Mark making

I have embraced the first exercise in mark making. Picking words to depict as pencil marks is interesting. How I reacted to the words was interesting: 'Soft' and 'hard' seemed easy ones until I tried them. In the end, I reacted with the most interest to 'delicate' and 'sensuous'. The latter ended with two completely different representations, one using the end of a round stick of compressed charcoal which almost seems to melt into the paper as I roll it around randomly, and the other a  weave of rounded lines. Both completely different, but still made me react in the same way: I wanted to reach into the paper and touch them. So now I am thinking about how that would translate into fibre, and I haven't even got to the mixed media element of the mark making. Oddly, 'Sharp', I found really difficult. In theory this sounds obvious, but trying to take that onto the page was not. I shall have another go at that. I am going to have a go at some other words: rigid, fluid, agitated, opaque, translucent, shimmering, vibrant. I have also started looking at other artists. Franz Marc was a revelation. I had never heard of him and instantly connected with his work. I think I shall have a detailed look at him. I set up a slide show within the Bridgeman Education website, and realised afterwards that the majority of the pictures use really bright, mainly primary colours. I also chose some very 'organised' work, with lots of angles and straight lines, but generally it was all abstract. Generally, when I visit galleries, I like sculpture and all manner of art, so I  think perhaps I have my textile thinking cap on, and I am thinking what is practical in terms of textiles that I could replicate. Anyway, I am gradually building up my stock of supplies now, but am rather lacking on the fabrics (lots of fur fabric from my foray into bear making, but that's about it!). Time to cut up some single bed sheets and see what else I can forrage....

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